10,958 Impressions, 2021, Jason W Gross/ JW Gross Studios
Triptych, 24”x36” Panels (72”x36” combined)
Acrylic and Acrylic Gouache, carving on cradled archival panels
This work was commissioned by Central Iowa Shelter and Services in honor of their 30-years of serving individuals experiencing homelessness with compassion, empathy, dignity and care.
“There were two initial and simultaneous inspirations for the project. First was to visually represent the tremendous milestone that CISS was approaching… the three panels representing the three decades and 10,958 impressions representing the number of nights in thirty years (including leap days). The second was the quote carved into the side of the left panel from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “When is it dark enough we can see the stars.” With those meditations, the artist drilled 10,958 divots or “impressions” with the double entendre for the lasting impressions CISS made on those who sought safety and refuge under their care and at the macro level, the impressions this organization has made on our community and beyond. The divots where then hand-painted using 13 bands of color inspired by the colors of an Iowa sunset leading up to a field of stars in silver and white. Behind the impressions and barely visible in the dark background are the words “Love”, “Care”, “Compassion”, “Empathy”, and “help”… those same words were written in the abstract in the top varnish coat as well to fully envelope the impressions. Finally, upon close inspection you may notice there are a number of imperfections left uncorrected by the artist, largely made when his hands were cramping from the repetitive tasks. These were kept in honor and recognition of the very hard, often thankless work of the countless staff and volunteers, donors and board members who have tirelessly supported this organization and the thousands of people it has helped.”
Gift of the artist, Former Board member and Chair of Central Iowa Shelter and Services
Jason and CISS CEO, Melissa O’Neil
En verso
Close-up of ‘impressions’ while in progress